Decaf Mexico

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Impressions: meringue, date, spices, grapefruit, chocolate
Roast degree: 3/5

Country: Mexico
Region: Frailesca, Chiapas
Municipality: Ejido Nuevo Paraíso, Municipalidad La Concordia
Village: Santuario
Farm: Finca Triunfo Verde
Varieties: Typica, Bourbon, Caturra (organic certified)
Process: washed coffee & mountain water decaffeination process
Import Partner: Azahar

We care about our decaf!

Mexican decaf, thanks to the Mountain Water process, has always been our favorite method. The decaf coffees from that country are always stellar, and it feels so good to have some back on the menu!

The popularity of decaf is exploding worldwide, so the factories are booked months and months in advance. Combine this with the fact we had to divest from our previous Mexican decaf importer, and you'll understand the months long hiatus. But now it's back and better than ever!

This coffee comes from CAFECO, a Coop managed by multiple times Cup of Excellence winner Jose Arguello. CAFECO is 540 members strong. Created in 2016, its aim is to seek alternatives to improve sales prices, provide support to face the problem of rust that was affecting coffee production at that time.


We are officially in the golden age of decaf! As roasters, it's so easy to find a good decaf these days, and this one is exceptional.

Sweet and balanced, most people usually won't notice it's not a full caffeine coffee.
It's feels like dates and chocolate at first, and finishes like a baking spices and meringue pie. The hints of grapefruit acidity make everything come together nicely.

Method Dose Ratio Time
Espresso 18 g 2.2:1 30-35 sec
Espresso with milk 18g 2:1 32-35 sec
Americano 18 g 2.3:1 30-35 sec


23 g 17:1 3:30-4:00 min

 Chemex & Batch Brew

40-60 g 16:1 4:15-5:30 min

 French Press

18-25 g 16:1 3:45 min steep time
Farm: Finca Triunfo Verde
Importer: Azahar
Price paid by us for the landed coffee at our roastery: 14.50CAD/kg
FOB price: 12.30CAD/kg
Farmgate price: 90MXN /kg of dried parchment (local prices varying between 50 and 65 MXN)
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