Nola Wonga

Weight :
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Impressions: nectarine, brown sugar, nutmeg
Roast degree:  (2.5/5)

Country: Indonesia
Region: Wolowio village, Bajawa, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara 
Producers:  Nola Wonga Farmers Group

Variety: S-795
Process: Washed
Partner importer: IndoChina Coffee

Our first Indonesian coffee since 2019!
Most coffees coming out of Indonesia are usually with their traditional processing method called giling basah, with some naturals and honey, but we can't remember the last time we had a washed coffee from that origin. And it's delicious.

Nola Wonga farmers group was created in 2014 by Mr Felix Soba in order to preserve the cultivation of Bajawa's renowned organic Arabica coffee. 

Mr Soba acts as a patron to the farmers of Nola Wonga as well as other farmers groups. He provides financial support, distributing free seedlings and teaching them how to continue growing coffee alongside horticultural crops, rather than as a replacement.

The success of this work has seen the profits from coffee cultivation increase exponentially, with increasing demand for these coffees creating more job opportunities for local people. Facilitating the transfer of knowledge in the processing of specialty coffee has a long term positive impact on Nola Wonga farmers group and the biodiversity and productivity of their plantations.

It's quite rare to find washed coffees coming out of Indonesia, especially one that clean and juicy, and we are so glad to have a very limited amount of it to offer!

This coffee is full of bright stone fruit. For us, nectarine came to mind immediately.
The sweetness is very classic, think brown sugar (cassonade specifically in French).
The undertone is very deep and full of spices, mostly nutmeg.

All together, this feels like a classic baking spices cookie!

Method Dose Ratio Time
Espresso 16-20 g 2.2:1 26-30 sec
Espresso with milk 16-20 g 2.1:1 30-34 sec
Americano 16-20 g 2.3:1 26-30 sec


18-32 g 16:1 3:30-4:00 min

 Chemex & Batch Brew

40-60 g 15.5:1 5:00-5:30 min

 French Press

18-25 g 15:1 4:00 min steep time

Producers: Nola Wonga Farmers Group
Importer: IndoChina Coffee

Price we paid: 22.90CAD/kg
FOB price: 14.25CAD/kg

(+5.10CAD/kg for ICC import fees and margins, shipping to Canada from the UK, storage, financing and warehousing fees)

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