
Weight :
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Impressions: pomegranate, white sugar, green apple
Roast degree:  (1.5/5)

Country: Thailand
District: Mae Suai District
Province: Chiang Rai
Variety: Bourbon, caturra, catimor
Process: Honey

Partner importer: Indochina Coffee
Farmers: Oil & Goh Chaosuwanwilai

After last year success with our first ever Thai coffee, it was only normal we bring some more back this year!

Sirinya Coffee is a family-run specialty coffee farm, roastery, and coffee shop based in the mountains of Chiang Rai province, led by Oil and Goh Chaosuwanwilai. Sirinya is born out of a commitment to the communities of Doi Chang, as well as stewardship of the land and constantly striving for excellence in all aspects of coffee.

Goh and Oil are local leadears who share their knowledge and expertise in all aspects of specialty coffee production, starting right from the beginning with the quality of the soil and organic farming methods through to the final processing. For the coffee farmers they work with, introducing these additional steps can elevate their very good coffee to specialty grade, and with it, commanding much higher prices and access to new markets.

After last year's crazy natural that was all sold out to Europe, we went for their insanely sweet yet fruity honey processed coffee.

This coffee is bursting with pomegranate, green apple and some lychee. A beautifully balanced acidity. this feels like a mild fruit punch.

The coffee's sweetness is, like many honey processed coffees, off the chart. So much so that we felt like we had 2 scoops of white sugar in our cup while testing! ;-)


This is a super smooth filter brew, and a very interesting espresso as well.

Method Dose Ratio Time
Espresso 18 g 2.3:1 30-34 sec
Espresso with milk 18g 2:1 32-36 sec
Americano 18 g 2.3:1 30-34 sec


23 g 16.5:1 3:30-4:00 min

 Chemex & Batch Brew

40-60 g 16.5:1 5:00-5:30 min

 French Press

18-25 g 15.5:1 3:45 min steep time

Farm: Sirinya
Farmers: Oil & Goh Chaosuwanwilai
Exporter: Sirinya
Importer: Indochina coffee (ICC)

Price we paid for the landed coffee at our roastery: 27,50CAD/kg
Added cost: 5.10CAD/kg (including ICC import fees, shipping to Canada from the UK, storage, financing and warehousing fees)

FOB price: 20CAD/kg
This is the price paid to Oil and Goh for everything between the purchase of fresh cherries up to the moment the coffee is safely at the port, ready for export, (processing, milling & drying coffee, bagging and shipping locally)

Farmgate price: between 38-40THB/kg for unsorted cherries, ∼ 1,50CAD/kg
This is what the farmers were paid for cherries, not green coffee. It'll cost the Sirinya 250THB to turn those cherries into green coffee ready for export, and often more due to those cherries not all being ripe.

There is a 90% import taxe on green coffee in Thailand, meaning that it almost always too pricey for local roasters to import anything. That means that the internal demand for green coffee is very high, driving prices up (Thai roasters pay the same price FOB as the importer) and giving little incentive for farmers to focus heavily on quality since good prices are almost always assured.

But there is a new wave of young farmers who want to focus on very high quality and consistency. This is certainly the case when it comes to Sirinya.
And what is very encouraging to see is that local farmers focusing on quality often end up starting their own roasting operation. Having more producers take control of not only the green coffee, but also the roasted coffee, is a model we wish would be more easily doable at origin.

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