Kalsada Sitio Bellis

Weight :
Grind Size :

Impressions: orange, tamarind, pepper, malt
Roast degree:  (3/5)

Country: Philippines (Atok, Province of Benguet)
Producer: 72 farming families from Belis
Variety: Garnica
Mill: Sitio Bellis
Process: Washed
Partner importer: IndoChina Coffee

Another first time origin for the menu! This is our 6th and last release from the folks at IndoChina Coffee for this year.

The majority of coffee grown in the Philippines is Robusta (69%), followed by Arabica. Specialty coffee production is small but has a huge potential, and there is a big focus on improving quality amongst Filipino coffee professionals.

Kalsada is a social enterprise that is working hard to champion Philippine specialty coffee. It provides support to Filipino coffee producers and their dedicated efforts to bring quality coffee to market. Working in partnership with local communities, Kalsada invests in machinery and equipment to elevate coffee quality and pays farmers well over the regular market price.

Sitio Bellis was established in 2015 and had an output of a little over a ton. Almost a decade later, the production exploded to 11 tons.

Bellis is located in Atok, Benguet,within the Cordillera mountain range, on the largest Philippine island of Luzon. With an elevation of 1400 – 1700 masl and natural springs that flow all-year round, this is a perfect location for growing both superb coffee and subsistance crops like vegetables. 

Our first ever coffee from the Philippines delivers quite the unique profile!

To make it as versatile as possible, we opted for a slightly more developed roast (3/5 for those familiar with our roast levels) that we would define as medium-light, whatever that means ;-)

The acidity is full of citrus, notably orange.
The coffee also feels like a sweet and sour sauce, it tastes like tamarind, a fruit extremely popular in cuisine in Asia. We also had undertones of dates and caramel.

The finish is full of interesting spice notes, and maybe it was something else but pepper pop in our mind. Maybe we won't be the only ones so please let us know your thoughts once you taste it!
The finish reminded us of malt as well.

Method Dose Ratio Time
Espresso 16-20 g 2:1 26-30 sec
Espresso with milk 16-20 g 1.9:1 32-35 sec
Americano 16-20 g 2.3:1 28-32 sec


18-32 g 15:1 3:30-4:00 min

 Chemex & Batch Brew

40-60 g 15:1 5:00-5:30 min

 French Press

18-25 g 14:1 4:00 min steep time

Farmer: 72 farming families from Belis
Importer: IndoChina Coffee

Price we paid: 33.50CAD/kg
(+5.10CAD/kg for ICC import fees and margins, shipping to Canada from the UK, storage, financing and warehousing fees)
FOB price: 26.90CAD/kg
Farmgate price: 1.30CAD/kg of unsorted cherries, which in terms of green coffee equals about a dollar more than the CPrice currently.

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