Species Box - Vietnam


This is the rarest box we ever put together, thanks to 96B.
Not only is this set of 4 coffees delicious and unique, it's redefining the outdated narrative of what Vietnamese coffee should taste like.

Why is this box so special? It's comprised of not one, but 3 different coffee species,  and a hybrid.
Arabica what the world of specialty coffee is built on, represented here by the Java varietal.
Than we have the infamous robusta species, something many still considerer impossible to label as specialty. Tough luck for those saying that though, as this local orange cultivar is definitely specialty and will change your opinion of what robusta can be.

We also present you a hybrid varietal called catimor. A mix between the arabica caturra varietal and the timor hybrid, a cross between arabica and robusta.

Last but not least, we have out third and rarest coffee species: Liberica.
Liberica is know cultivated widely, but the team at 96B have a full project dedicated to making this taste amazing to help its commercialization. We are truly blessed to be able to offer it to you.

This box contains:
- 100g Java
- 100g Orange robusta
- 100g Catimor
- 250g Liberica

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